Assisted Living Assessments
assessments for placements in Assisted living settings
Service Description
We provide assisted living assessments for placements. our assessments are completed within 24 hours from initial request.

Cancellation Policy
Registration Terms & Conditions Ground Rules & Disclaimers Registration is offered on a first-come/ first-served basis. Registrants attempting to register after a course has been filled can be placed on the Wait List by continuing registration. Registration fees are constructed at the discretion of Germain Consulting services and can change at any time without prior notice. Registration Payments & Refunds Payment for registration, in full by credit card, is due at time of registration. Training/Event for "Members Only" Attendance & Certification Attendance at all days of a multi-day course is mandatory for certification. Registrants should be aware of the class location (e.g. Name of Venue, Address, and Transportation) prior to the day of training. Training locations can be found on our website Registrants arriving late may not be admitted into class. Admission, following lateness, is at the discretion of the course instructor. At each training, it is mandatory for participants to sign the sign-in sheet. Failure to do so will result in assumed absenteeism. Absenteeism waives the right to receive certification or course materials for the registered course. Testing (Applies to AMAP, SCIP, CPR, First Aid, and any training where testing is required for certification) Where testing is required for a course certification, a score of 80% or better is required for certification. In the event that the trainee does not achieve an 80% score, trainers may permit re-testing if time and scheduling permit, but are not required to do so. If the trainee has not received 80% when testing opportunities are completed, the trainee will receive a Certificate of Attendance rather than a certification of completion, and must re-enroll if they wish to be fully certified. Germain Consulting Services may cancel Trainings In Case of Inclement Weather, Insufficient Registration, Emergencies In the event of emergency cancellations, registrants will be contacted immediately by phone and email, and will be provided with information and instructions for re-scheduling.